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Sibling & twin learning tower

With siblings or twins, arguments can sometimes break out over who gets to use the learning tower. For this reason, we have developed the space-saving sibling and twin learning tower.

It comfortably accommodates two children without requiring twice the floor space.

Now available in the store!

Beste Marke 2025 in der Kategorie Kindermöbel

Diese Anerkennung bestätigt unsere Mission: Kinder mit hochwertigen, sicheren und nachhaltigen Möbeln in ihrer Entwicklung zu begleiten.
Ein wesentlicher Grund für diesen Erfolg ist unser Lernturm Felix, der weltweit zu den meistverkauften Lerntürmen gehört.

Ein riesiges Dankeschön an unser großartiges Team, unsere Partner und vor allem an unsere Kunden, die uns jeden Tag ihr Vertrauen schenken. 

Sollte einmal ein Produkt von uns nicht ihren Ansprüchen entsprechen, dann stehen unsere Kolleginnen und Kollegen vom Service ihnen jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung! Am besten schreiben Sie uns einfach eine Nachricht!

For a safe childhood

Safety and quality are the top priorities in the manufacture of all tiSsi® products . We completely avoid the use of harmful substances. Safety and the use of ecologically harmless materials have top priority in the production of tiSsi® furniture!

When developing our products, we always ensure compliance with all current DIN standards to guarantee maximum safety for your children.

Nothing is more important to us than the welfare of the children!

For infinite moments

What is more beautiful than close moments and the smiles of our children?

This is essential for well-being. Our tiSsi products are all based on years of observation and experience.

Everything so that the little ones can feel good all around and develop optimally.

For shared experiences

Time together in which the little ones can learn a lot from us is incredibly precious.

With our FELIX learning tower, little ones are always as close to the action as possible and learn through observation from an early age.

A very precious and at the same time unforgettable time.

For relaxed moments

Simply coming to rest and growing from quiet moments. Our little ones need that too.

In our range of side beds and cribs you will find the perfect bed for every age.

FELIX" learning tower

The discovery tower/learning tower from tiSsi ® raises your child to the optimum position. The tower has been designed to bring your child closer to the kitchen or table, allowing them to experience social interactions and learn from you from an early age. By helping you cook, your child can build a better bond and develop better language and social skills.

Side beds / cribs

The "HAJO", "SOPHIE" and "MAXI" co-sleepers and cribs are perfect from day one. Newborns feel the security and closeness of their parents and therefore sleep much better at night. Right next to the parents' bed, you maintain your sleeping comfort and always have a view of your biggest treasure! Thanks to the supplied locking rail, you can convert the tiSsi ® foldaway bed into a bassinet or full-size crib in just two simple steps.

Kinderstuhl tiSsi

tiSsi ® the comfortable and ergonomic seat for children aged 6 months and over, fits any dining table thanks to its unique S-shape. In addition, it offers extra safety against tipping over, especially when the little ones want to push themselves off the table.

Der Kinderstuhl tiSsi ® von DawOst hebt Ihr Kind auf die optimale Sitzposition an. tiSsi ® wurde so konzipiert, dass die Kleinen schon früh mit am Tisch sitzen und so wichtige soziale Interaktionen erlernen können.

Folding playpen

Flexible and safe - our fast all-rounders. Our flexible products are perfect for small flats, day care centres, hospitals and hotels. Even for a visit to the grandparents, a safe and comfortable recliner should not be missing!

With the "LIES" and "MORITZ" playpens, you can adapt to the conditions at any time.

Foldable children's bed "JORI"

With our high-quality and practical "JORI" folding bed, little ones can be in their dreamland in no time at all! The space-saving all-rounder impresses with maximum comfort and safety! Perfect for grandma & grandpa, hotels or guest rooms!


... means preserving as healthy a life as possible for our descendants. Find out here what we are doing to achieve this and how you too can make your contribution to sustainability.

It's a family business


Who we are?

In particular, a family business - already in its seventh generation.

Let's talk about

In our blog section you will find interesting and helpful information about and for your offspring ...


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